Saturday, 25 July 2009

More in the series .....

These are 3 more from my new photo series. They were taken at our annual Fire Festival a few weeks ago.


Philip said...

Woops - this all Chinese to me! I wonder what it says. I know,you want to pay me a million dollars for my latest work!

p said...

looks suspiciously spammy to me, those numbers in the bottom...i'd translate it and delete it.
nice to see a post from you and i'm loving these colorful, action orientated shots!

jafabrit said...

oooooooooooh Philip that would be nice :)

Love the colours and movement.

Chris Sotiriadis said...

love the vibrant colours and especially the whole image within image aspect of the 3rd photograph.

Philip said...


Thanks - theya re very colurful events but I have never been able to capture the feeling with my more conventional approach.


There were very many versions of these as you can imagine. I am quite hooked on this idea now. In the past I have found it difficult to get the atmosphere across.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

I like the movement and the colors in these. Nice to have you back!

Carol said...

I came here by way of San's blog. You mentioned non-dualism. I have been studying "it" for the past three or four years. I would be interested in hearing what you have been studying.

I love the colors of these photos.