Friday, 6 February 2009

Decaying Paper

My latest photo project is taking close ups of decaying newspapers and magazines. I was especially pleased with this one.

For the first time ever I have just completed a painting based on a 'wall' photo - I never work from photos so this was quite a challenge. I will be showing that next.


Mary Buek said...

Philip, this photo is amazing, I love it. Just the kind of thing that floats my boat.

TSL said...

Philip, I am confused, is this a painting or a photo? At first you were writing about photographing decaying paper, and then wrote about painting. Mary mentioned photo, but I was thinking painting! But I've only just started my first cup off coffee for the day, so, I'm still waking up! Regardless what it is, artistically it is g-r-e-a-t!

Philip said...

Mary - nice to see you here. Yes, I am also pleased with this photo!


No this is a photo. Before this series of photos I took about 300 of "walls" and my next post will be a painting I did fro one of those photos! Hope its clear now!

p said...

I am reminded of beautiful fabric draped over something when I look at this. I love it when people can capture the raw beauty in something that others would might not see otherwise.
will look forward to your painting.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Your photo is yummy! Your thoughts about the walls be build around ourselves are poignant. The whole series is tantalizing. I'm looking forward to seeing more Philip.

Philip said...

Self Taught Artist

I have become really interested in close-up photography - mainly because it is a largely unexplored world.


Many thanks. My blog is all over the place just now so none of this looks very consistent. Glad you are following it.

Angela Wales Rockett said...

Gorgeous photo! What great colors and textures. Can't wait to see the painting.

Philip said...


Many thanks.

Ed Maskevich said...

Was it Victor Hugo in "Les Miserables" who said, "Nothing sees more carefully than a downcast eye." There are many treasures among the discrded things in life.

Chris Sotiriadis said...

Very nice photograph, Philip. I especially like the colours and texture.

Are you creating these decaying newspaper and magazine pieces to photograph or, is it something you come across around the city and photograph?

RosieK said...

Such richness - I love the close up photo too - a world within a world! Thank you for sharing Philip

San said...

Philip, that is just luscious. And I just noticed Ed's comment. Such truth there.

Seth said...

Brilliant eye Philip. The snippets of text are really intriguing.